The Brand

Morley® was founded in the late 1960s in California by brothers Marv and Ray Lubow, under the name Tel-Ray Electronics.

While working on a pedal that simulated a Leslie speaker, the company’s name came from the pun “Leslie / Morley®” – Less-lee / More-lee.

Producing a wide range of effects, the brand made a name for itself with its solid and quiet opto-electric wah and volume pedals.

These pedals have the advantage of not using potentiometers, components that quickly become clogged: instead, a photoelectric cell captures the amount of light that the position of the pedal allows to pass.

les artistes Morley

Massimo Varini


Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Giovanni Giorgi



Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

Antonello Giorgi

Luca Carboni

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